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Journalism unit

In the first year of my level 3 course, I done a journalism unit where I learnt new techniques to help me research and interview people. The story had to have proximity as a news value as statement in the brief given, as well be a relevant news story at the current time. 


I put together a presentation to show the research that I conducted. 

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Teams interview

I conducted an interview which was originally meant to be with Dhesi, the CEO of CCSW.  Unfortunately he had to cancel, so in his place was Richard Lunt, the director of estates and facilities at CCSW

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Cross reference table

I cross checked all information that I found online using reliable sources to ensure it is factual.

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Final Article

I finished my article after all the research and interview, I came up with a draft before the final piece. This is my first real article where I was required to search for a story and write a report.

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